Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness ft. MGMT (Steve Aoki Remix) 歌詞翻譯


Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up, take a hit
壓碎, 捲起, 抽一口
Feelin' lit, feelin' right, 2 AM, summer night
超讚, 超爽, 2AM, 仲夏夜
I don't care, hand on the wheel
什麼都不在乎, 手繼續放在方向盤上
Driving drunk, I'm doing my thing
醉茫茫的開著車, 我在做我想做的事
Rolling in the Midwest side and out
Living my life, getting out dreams
過著我想要的生活, 一步步實現我的夢想
I' ma do just what I want, looking ahead, no turning back
我就是在做我想做的事, 頭也不回地緊盯著前方
People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out "Fuck that"
人們叫我走慢點, 我吶喊著, "去他媽的"
I'm screaming out "Fuck that"
我吶喊著, "去他媽的"
I'm screaming out "Fuck that"
我吶喊著, "去他媽的"
Fuck that, fuck that, fuck that, fuck that
去他媽的, 去他媽的, 去他媽的, 去他媽的

Tell me what you know about dreamin', dreamin'?
You don't really know about nothin', nothin'
Tell me what you know about them night terrors every night
5 AM, cold sweats, waking up to the sky?
凌晨五點醒來, 渾身冷汗, 完全睡不著覺?

I'm on the pursuit of happiness, and I know
我正在追尋我的幸福, 而我也很清楚
Everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold
Hey, I'll be fine once I get it
嘿, 得到幸福之後我會沒事的
I'll be good

I'm on the pursuit of happiness, and I know
我正在追尋我的幸福, 而我也很清楚
Everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold
Hey, I'll be fine once I get it
嘿, 得到幸福之後我會沒事的
I'll be good

Tell me what you know about dreams, dreams?
Tell me what you know about night terrors? Nothing
告訴我你認知中的噩夢長怎樣? 什麼都不懂
You don't really care about the trials of tomorrow
Rather lay awake in the bed full of sorrow

I'm on the pursuit of happiness, and I know
我正在追尋我的幸福, 而我也很清楚
Everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold
Hey, I'll be fine once I get it
嘿, 得到幸福之後我會沒事的
I'll be good

About Sean Chaox

I'm soulless, so I'm recompiling my soul
I'm lifeless, so I'm enriching my life
I'm homeless, so I build this House
I am Sean, welcome to my House