Two Feet - Had Some Drinks 歌詞翻譯


I've been around, brought you down, it's true
沒錯, 我曾經走到你身邊, 然後又一次讓你失望
I had some drinks and said some things to you
我喝了點酒, 對你說了點莫名奇妙的話
If I said too much, I know you're mine to lose
如果我說多了, 我很清楚我又會再次失去你
I had some drinks and said some things to you
我喝了點酒, 對你說了點莫名奇妙的話

I think too much, I'm outta touch, it's true
沒錯, 我想太多了, 現在的我根本不了解你
Don't give a fuck, yeah actually I do
但我才不管這些, 我就是想這麼做
If I said too much, I know you're mine to lose
如果我說多了, 我很清楚我又會再次失去你
Don't give a fuck, yeah actually I do
但我才不管這些, 我就是想這麼做

I come my town
I come my closest
我來了, 我最親密的朋友
I come my lover too
我來了, 我的愛

About Sean Chaox

I'm soulless, so I'm recompiling my soul
I'm lifeless, so I'm enriching my life
I'm homeless, so I build this House
I am Sean, welcome to my House

