A Great Big World - Land of Opportunity 歌詞翻譯


I'm sailing away, to a Land of Opportunity
我要啟航了, 我要啟航前往希望之地
The sun will shine, and birds will sing there every day
那裡的太陽很耀眼, 那裡的鳥兒每天都會高歌
I'm sailing away, and I hope that you remember me
我要啟航了, 我希望你還會記得我
It was fun, we had our run. Hip hip hooray!
因為這段日子很開心, 我們也處得很愉快, 值得我高呼萬歲

You said 'hello', I loved you so
你說了句, "哈囉", 我就愛上了這樣的你
Just like in a movie scene
I want you to know, I had to let go
我想讓你明白, 我真的必須放手
I'm falling in love again

I'm running away, to a place where you won't bother me
我要逃了, 我要逃到一個你不會來打擾我的地方
We won't talk for a while, we'll be okay
我們會有很長一段時間不會說話, 但我們都會習慣的
And I'm changing my name to a word that's really hard to say
It's no one's fault, I'm just too young, and you're insane
變成這樣不是誰的錯, 只是因為我太年輕, 而你又太瘋狂

I wasted my time, I missed all the signs
我浪費了我的寶貴時間, 我錯失了所有的徵兆
And it ruined my holiday
I want you to know, I had to let go
我想讓你明白, 我真的必須放手
I'm falling in love again

I just gotta believe there's something better
I just gotta believe there's something more than you and me
I've just gotta believe, I've just gotta believe
我正想去相信, 我正想去相信

You said 'hello', I loved you so
你說了句, "哈囉", 我就愛上了這樣的你
I felt like a kid again
I want you to know, I had to let go
我想讓你明白, 我真的必須放手
I'm falling in love again

I'm sailing away to a Land of Opportunity

About Sean Chaox

I'm soulless, so I'm recompiling my soul
I'm lifeless, so I'm enriching my life
I'm homeless, so I build this House
I am Sean, welcome to my House