Badflower - Ghost 歌詞翻譯


I tried it once before but I didn't get too far
我曾經試過一次, 但那次我並沒有成功
I felt a lot of pain but it didn't stop my heart
我感受到巨大的痛苦, 但那並沒有順利停下我的心跳
And all I really wanted was someone to give a little fuck
But I waited there forever and nobody even looked up
但我在那裡癡癡等著, 卻沒有半個人肯看我一眼

I tried it once before and I think I mighta messed up
我曾經試過一次, 但我想自己或許搞砸了
I struggled with the veins and I guess I didn't bleed enough
我在血泊中掙扎著, 我猜我的血大概流的不夠多
But maybe I'm alive 'cause I didn't really wanna die
But nothing very special ever happens in my life

Take the blade away from me
I am a freak, I am afraid that
All the blood escaping me won't end the pain
And I'll be haunting all the lives that cared for me
I died to be the white ghost of the man that I was meant to be

I tried it like before and this time I made a deep cut
我像曾經那樣又試了一次, 這次我切出一道深深的傷口
I thought about my friends and the way I didn't give enough
我想起了我的朋友們, 也想起了我沒對他們付出足夠的感情
And I shoulda told my mother 'mom, I love you', like a good son
我也該像個好兒子一樣告訴我媽, "媽, 我愛你"
But this life is overwhelming and I'm ready for the next one
但這人生壓得我承受不住, 所以我已經準備好迎接另一次人生

Take the blade away from me
I am a freak, I am afraid that
All the blood escaping me won't end the pain
And I'll be haunting all the lives that cared for me
I died to be the white ghost of the man that I was meant to be

I tried it once again and I think I might black out
我又試了一次, 這次我想自己應該能順利闔上雙眼
I shoulda left a letter but I had nothing to write about
我或許該留封遺書, 但我根本沒什麼好寫的
My blood is all around me, I get dizzy if I stand up
我的血環繞在我四周, 此刻如果我站起身大概會頭暈目眩
The cutting part was easy but regretting it is so fucked
動手如此容易, 但後悔卻他媽如此地難

Take the blade away from me
I am a freak, I am afraid that
All the blood escaping me won't end the pain
And I'll be haunting all the lives that cared for me
I died to be the white ghost of the man that I was meant to be

I tried it once again and I think I went too far
我又試了一次, 這次我想自己已經沒辦法回頭了
(The man that I was meant to be)
I cut a little deeper and the pressure stopped my heart
我切得稍微更深一點, 現在這股壓力正阻止我的心繼續跳動
(The man that I was meant to be)
I couldn't tell my mother that I love her, I'm a bad son
我再也沒機會告訴我媽我愛他, 我真的是個糟糕的兒子
This life is overwhelming and I'm ready for the next one
這人生壓得我承受不住, 我已經準備好迎接另一次人生

About Sean Chaox

I'm soulless, so I'm recompiling my soul
I'm lifeless, so I'm enriching my life
I'm homeless, so I build this House
I am Sean, welcome to my House

