MISSIO - Losing My Mind 歌詞翻譯
快瘋了Late at night, I like to think about the things that I want
在深夜裡, 我喜歡去思考什麼才是我真正想要的
And what is life, and who is real?
人生是什麼? 誰又是真心的?
Late at night, I like to visualize the girls that I've loved
在深夜裡, 我喜歡去想像那些我曾愛我的女孩們
And all they did to make me smile
On dreary days, I like to think about the joy that I had
在沉悶的日子裡, 我喜歡去回想我曾擁有的那些歡笑
As a young and reckless kid
On dreary days, I used to drown it out, a sociopath
在沉悶的日子裡, 我曾試著將那個反社會瘋子淹死
'Cause I had nothing left to give
I'm losing, I'm losing, I'm losing my mind
我真的, 我真的快瘋了
I'm fighting, I'm fighting, I'm fighting for more time
我抗爭著, 我想爭取更多時間
I'm begging, I'm begging, I'm begging: no more rules
我乞求著, 我乞求著別再增添更多規矩
'Cause I'm losing, I'm losing, I'm losing my mind
因為我真的, 我真的快瘋了
When I drive, I like to think about the feelings I'll have
在我開車時, 我喜歡去想那些我會體會到的感覺
When I learn that I am dead
When I drive, I love to fantasize about being a ghost
在我開車時, 我喜歡去幻想自己是個幽靈
I'll float through death haunting you
I'm losing, I'm losing, I'm losing my mind
我真的, 我真的快瘋了
I'm fighting, I'm fighting, I'm fighting for more time
我抗爭著, 我想爭取更多時間
I'm begging, I'm begging, I'm begging: no more rules
我乞求著, 我乞求著別再增添更多規矩
'Cause I'm losing, I'm losing, I'm losing my mind
因為我真的, 我真的快瘋了
I'm losing, I'm losing, I'm losing my mind
我真的, 我真的快瘋了
I'm fighting, I'm fighting, I'm fighting for more time
我抗爭著, 我想爭取更多時間
I'm begging, I'm begging, I'm begging: no more rules
我乞求著, 我乞求著別再增添更多規矩
'Cause I'm losing, I'm losing, I'm losing my mind
因為我真的, 我真的快瘋了
I'm losing, I'm losing, I'm losing my mind
我真的, 我真的快瘋了