Jamestown Story - Goodbye (I'm Sorry) 歌詞翻譯
Time has run out for me
Everything's distant and I don't know what to believe
一切對我來說都是那麼遙不可及, 而我也不知道自己該去相信些什麼
It's so hard, lost in the world confusion
真的太難熬, 我迷失在這世界的混亂中
And I need to leave for a while
Life is so meaningless, there is nothing worth a smile
活著真的好沒意義, 根本找不到任何值得開心的事
So goodbye, I'll miss you
所以再見了, 我想我會想你們的
And I'm sorry, but this is my fate
而我也很抱歉, 但這就是我的命
Everything is worthless, nobody wants me to stay
一切都是這樣的毫無價值, 也沒有任何人希望我留下
And I'm sorry, but I've waited too long
我也很抱歉, 但我真的已經等太久了
So, here's my goodbye, no one will cry over me
所以, 該是我說再見的時候了, 反正不會有任何人為我哭泣
I'm not worth any tears
It's been the years of abuse
Neglected to treat the disorder that controlled my youth for so long
I'm in a fleshy tomb, buried up above the ground
我就這樣被埋在大家面前, 在這副用肉體做的墓中
It's no use: why should I hold on?
這一點用也沒有, 所以為什麼我還要繼續撐下去?
It's been five years, don't need one more
已經五年了, 我再也不需要更多
So goodbye, life's abuse
所以再見了, 這人生對我來說就是折磨
And I'm sorry, but this is my fate
而我也很抱歉, 但這就是我的命
Everything is worthless, nobody wants me to stay
一切都是這樣的毫無價值, 也沒有任何人希望我留下
And I'm sorry, but I've waited too long
我也很抱歉, 但我真的已經等太久了
So, here's my goodbye, no one will cry over me
所以, 該是我說再見的時候了, 反正不會有任何人為我哭泣
I'm not worth any tears
Every 18 minutes, somebody dies from a suicide
每18分, 就有1個人死於自殺
Every 43 seconds, somebody attempts one
每43秒, 就有1個人嘗試自殺
If you, or anybody you know, is suicidal
如果你, 或任何你認識的人, 想這麼做
Call 1-800 784 2433
請撥1-800 784 2433
And I'm sorry, but this is my fate
而我也很抱歉, 但這就是我的命
Everything is worthless, nobody wants me to stay
一切都是這樣的毫無價值, 也沒有任何人希望我留下
And I'm sorry, but I've waited too long (Waited too long)
我也很抱歉, 但我真的已經等太久了
So, here's my goodbye, no one will cry over me
所以, 該是我說再見的時候了, 反正不會有任何人為我哭泣
So, here's my goodbye, no one will cry over me
所以, 該是我說再見的時候了, 反正不會有任何人為我哭泣
I'm not worth any tears