Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel 歌詞翻譯


Let me breathe you in, and breathe the words in your mouth
讓我成為你的一部分, 讓我仔細體會妳說的每一句話
Inside you're shivering, the silence shouts so loud
我知道你內心正在發抖, 那股沉默正大聲呼救著
I just want to, I just want to stay around
我只是想, 我只是想待在你身邊
And while my heart beats, I promise I won't let you down
只要我的心還在跳動, 我敢保證我絕對不會讓你失望

If I'm somewhere else, it doesn't mean that I don't see
如果哪天我不在你身邊, 那並不代表我什麼都不知道
That you don't trust yourself, that's why you don't trust me
我清楚你並不相信你自己, 那就是為什麼你不肯相信我
It makes me crazy, when you're crazy
那讓我幾乎崩潰, 因為你正因此崩潰
You don't speak, you think you know me
而你什麼也不說, 你自以為很了解我
But what you know is just skin deep

If you keep building these walls, brick by brick, towers so tall
如果你繼續圍起這些城牆, 一磚一瓦的疊起高塔
Soon I won't see you at all, 'til the concrete angel falls
那麼很快我就再也沒辦法看見你, 除非哪天這水泥天使墜回地面
I knew who you were from the start
But now I don't know who you are
Soon there'll be nothing at all, until the concrete angel falls
很快地你四周會什麼也不剩, 除非哪天這水泥天使墜回地面

About Sean Chaox

I'm soulless, so I'm recompiling my soul
I'm lifeless, so I'm enriching my life
I'm homeless, so I build this House
I am Sean, welcome to my House

